Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Why do some people follow the actions of others? This we will never be able to clearly define.   Wouldn't you agree, some people tend to closely mimic the behaviors of others either because they think it is cool or is the right thing to do. When really it reveals a weaker side of individuals who neglect to make choices for themselves.  Usually the result of following others....leads to one dumb choice after another. What a waste?
   I am not solely speaking on the grade aged individuals because adults are just as bad.  We often dislike others because someone in our circle dislike someone else...Don't look like that, we all have done it.  But try this now.  Ask yourself...is hating someone else on the behalf of someone else beneficial to the life you want and need lead?  Is disliking someone else for someone else reflecting in your purpose for being on this Earth. ....or are you here to "LOVE everyone?"  There are so many things people do based on the actions of others...things we wear, dialect, drugs, alcohol, etc. ...some things we would have never attempted had we not been influenced....in such a way we neglect our ability to maintain self-control and control our own minds.
 We have to get in the "know"...I mean the "know how to think for ourselves."   
    We have to decide whether we are going to be a "sheep" or a "shepherd."  WHICH ARE YOU? 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Spirit of Loneliness will trigger you to.......

    There is something to be said about that very important thing called "love."  Some people say it hurts, some people say it shouldn't hurt well I say it is something to live for.  Once you experience it...its like a cake that you crave for often.  It is something to treat your heart with for the rest of your life.  But when it is absent....you are often visited by the spirit of loneliness. We must be alerted, aware and recognize it for what it is rather than giving in and having our hearts broken worst than before.
   The spirit of loneliness triggers you to "back track" to the ex that made you feel alone in the first place. Making you make excuses for the way he mistreats you.  But that's not love!
   The spirit of loneliness triggers you to have a lack of respect for yourself...and lower your standards. It makes you believe that you can "deal" with or "change" someone just because you want that feeling of being with someone.
   The spirit of loneliness triggers you to believe that love is not real...it makes you bitter and hopeless.
   The spirit of loneliness is everything but reality. 
The reality of Love is that it is real!! God has someone special for everyone. Our "wants" most of the time delay our "Blessings." Wouldn't you agree? He knows "who" we need in our lives...but often times we rather the expected than wait on the unexpected!! You know "the one"

It's not cliche to say, "Wait on the Lord" because God's promises are not sayings....He will do just what he said!!! We just have to trust!!!
 But in the meantime....we must position ourselves to receive "love" our hearts must be pure! Our bodies, pure! Our thinking, pure!! 

" We must move far away from the spirit of loneliness and never leave a fowarding address"
             " We must move far away from the spirit of loneliness and never leave a fowarding address"